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Wed 03 May 2023

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

Advaita and leadership

Indica Moksha (Advaita Academy) is pleased to announce the 4th edition of ‘Global Festival of Oneness’ (GFO2023) celebrating one of the foremost thinkers and socio-cultural-spiritual architects of Indian civilization – Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavadpada.
Since last three years, we have been hosting the Global Festival of Oneness on the occasion of Shankara Jayanti as a one-month long online celebration of the life, works, and legacy of the Shankaracharya who is the most exceptional and revered teacher in Advaita Sampradaya.

The festival has been conceived as our tribute and show of reverence towards the entire Advaita Guru-Parampara that starts with Bhagavan Sadashiva, has Adi Shankaracharya in the middle, and is still continuing with our own Shrotriya and Brahmanishta Acharyas today.
This year also we are celebrating the month long festival from April 25 till May 24. The festival will feature nearly 50 Sages, Scholars, and Seekers who will share about Acharya Shankara’s life, philosophy and the relevance of his teachings today.

There will be two sessions every day.
The morning session (7:00am-8.00am IST) will focus upon a thematic treatment of Shankaracharya’s Prashtana-traya Bhashya and his other works aimed at benefiting serious seekers of Vedanta.

The evening session (7:00pm-8.00pm IST) will focus upon highlighting not only the life and contributions of Shankaracharya, but also on ‘Applied Vedanta’, how Advaita is relevant today in different fields.

Interested should register for the zoom session. Register once & attend to all sessions

In this Session Sri Prasad Kaipa ji is speaking on Advaita and leadership


Sri Prasad Kaipa

Prasad Kaipa was a thought leader and a top Management Thinker of Indian origin till 2019. Prasad’s unique approach was in integrating business approaches with brain research and spirituality / wisdom models. In addition to having advised and coached 130+ C-level executives at Fortune 500 companies, he used Bhagavad Gita framework and several interviews with CEOs to co-author a bestselling book “From Smart to Wise” in 2013. He founded the Center of Leadership, Innovation, and Change (CLIC) at the Indian School of Business (ISB) as well as co-founded TiE Silicon Valley's Entrepreneur Institute, with 13,000+ participants over 10 years. Since his retirement, he is working with several non-profits (focused on education and youth) and enjoying reflecting on his learnings from Indian spiritual wisdom and focusing on inner transformation.