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Wed 13 Sep 2023

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

Ayurvedic Medicine: Is It Scientific And Evidence Based?

Defining the word Ayurveda in its right perspective and identifying the two streams of wellness care and illness cure. Demystifying the common understanding that Ayurveda is ancient and unscientific, outdated and not contemporary, more anecdotal, and needs scientific evidence.


Dr. Rangesh Paramesh

Director - IP

Growing up in an Ayurvedic environment, Dr Rangesh went trained in the gurukula method under Rasa Vaidya Ayurvedaratna BSV Pandit. He has a formal degree (BSAM) and an MD in Ayurveda in Dravyaguna, Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalapana. He began his career as a university teacher in Karnataka at the Government Ayurveda Medical Colleges in Bengaluru, and also worked in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics and as a research guide to more than 20 post-graduates for over 15 years. He helped establish Ayurveda clinics in the West and has conducted periodic Ayurveda seminars in the UK, Mauritius, Middle East and the Far East. Dr. Rangesh joined the Research & Development. Center of The Himalaya Drug Company as a Medical Advisor and is now Director Intellectual Property. He has served the company for over 25 years.


Sophia French

Editor & Curator, Indica Center for Yoga Studies & Indica Center for Ayurveda Studies

Sophia Ann French is the Editor & Curator at the Indica Center for Yoga Studies and Indica Center for Ayurveda Studies. She has been practising hatha yoga for over 15 years and she is a regular practitioner of Vipassana. She is also studying Vedanta with the Chinmaya International Foundation, she is a certified Sivananda Yoga teacher and was the founder and editor of India's first online magazine on Yoga and Vedanta. As Editor & Curator at Indica, she ensures we develop and maintain authentic connections with yoga teachers, institutes, vaidyas, etc, so that we can connect and collaborate to bring you the best of Indian knowledge systems and the lineages that support these systems.