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6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+5.5)
Museums play a crucial role in building an educational environment. As they ride the currents of change, they still retain their power of legitimacy as repositories of culture. Being a centre of education and influence, museums around the world have provided more than 18 million hours of targeted education annually, including guided tours, staff visits, school outreach, and professional development for teachers. Museum education, as a practice, is always developing according to trends and tools. In addition to responding to ongoing shifts in audience expectations and pedagogical approaches, the sector has recently had to confront pandemic-related disruptions, which have pushed virtual formats to the forefront, and reassess its programmes. Museum educators and professionals have crafted subjects and curated different initiatives for various types of museums in the country showcasing exhibits virtually as well as physically (outdoor and site visit) educating our history and culture. The talk will focus on museum education and its changing landscape. It will also highlight the trends and career in the museum sector in our upcoming webinar.
To know more about Crafting trending subjects and education in Museum sector, do register for the talk