Raghu Ananthanarayanan, an alumnus of IIT Madras (B. Tech in Mech Engineering and MS in Bio-Medical Engineering)is a behavioural scientist, Yoga teacher and an author. His central quest has been the enquiry: “How to continually look within, transform, be the best and inspire?” This seeking led to discipleship with Yogacharya Krisnamacharya, dialoguing with J Krishnamurti and collaborating with Prof. Pulin K Garg. He has dedicated his life to the study and application of Yogic traditions to guide the inner transformation of individuals and shape leadership and culture building of organizations. He has pioneered the use of the Yoga Sutras, traditional theatre, and the Mahabharata in experiential learning. Raghu has authored many books. The latest books are “The Five Seats of Power - Discovering the best you can be through the Mahabharata” and “Antaranga Yoga - the Foundation of Indian Psychology”. Raghu has Co-founded Sumedhas, Academy of Human Context, The Barefoot Avademy of Governance, The Centre for Consciousness Studies and Inner Transformation as well as Ritambara Ashram. Raghu is based in Kotagiri, India.