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Mon 09 May 2022

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

GFO -22: What Is Really Real?

Indica Moksha (Advaita Academy) is pleased to announce the 3rd ‘Global Festival of Oneness’ (GFO2022) celebrating one of the foremost thinkers and socio-cultural-spiritual architects in the history of mankind from the Indian sub-continent – Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya (Shankara).

For the last two years, we have been hosting the Global Festival of Oneness on the occasion of Shankara Jayanti as a one-month-long online celebration of the life, works, and legacy of Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavadpada. The initiative has been conceived as our tribute and show of reverence towards the entire Advaita Guru-Parampara that starts with Bhagavan Narayana, has Veda Vyasa and Adi Shankaracharya at the middle, and is still continuing with our own Acharyas.

This year also we will be celebrating a month-long festival from May 06 till June 05 and we will feature around 50 Scholars, Sages, and Seekers to share Shankara’s life and works across multiple dimensions that include Philosophy, Oneness, Leadership, and more.

In this session Swami Tyagananda will be speak on “What Is Really Real?


Swami Tyagananda

Swami Tyagananda joined the Ramakrishna Order at the monastery in Mumbai in 1976 after graduating from the University of Mumbai in India. He received spiritual instruction (mantra-dīkṣā) from Holy Mother’s disciple Swami Vireswarananda and his monastic vows (sannyāsa) from Swami Gambhirananda. Besides Mumbai (1976–80), Tyagananda served in the monasteries at Belur Math (1980–82), New Delhi (1982–83) and Chennai (1983–1997) and was sent to Boston in 1998 to assist Swami Sarvagatananda. He is the Hindu chaplain at Harvard and MIT since 1999 and, after Sarvagatananda’s retirement in 2002, he was appointed head of the Vedanta Society in Boston. Tyagananda was editor of the English journal Vedanta Kesari for 11 years (1986–97) and has written, translated and edited fourteen books. He writes a fortnightly blog and his talks are available as audio podcasts. He has presented papers at academic conferences and he gives lectures and classes at the Vedanta Society as well as at MIT, Harvard and, on invitation, other colleges and religious groups in North America.