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A better mind is built one meditation at a time.


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Fri 16 Sep 2022

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

Growing your Mind

In today’s world our training and learning have been focused on hard and soft skills. Yet, success and happiness happens to those who have the ability to bring these skills into moments of stress and challenge. In this session we will connect our ancient wisdom with our current science to see how meditation practice may help us grow focus and emotional resilience so we can consistently be our best under pressure. This session will also uniquely help you connect real life situations with meditation practices i.e. know what to use when.


Subba Vaidyanathan

Founder, BeingSattva

Subba is the co-founders of BeingSattvaa. Subba gave up his executive leadership role to dedicate himself to the task of empowering people with mind skills so they may live and lead with their best in life and work. Subba is an engineer and business graduate by formal training and has three decades of experience as a senior leader in the world of Banking in Asia. On the other hand, he has deep experience in meditations of various styles, ancient wisdom of Asia, and the contemporary science of the mind. This integrated knowledge and lived experience is what he brings into all his programs, making them real and relevant.


Sophia French

Host, Journalist

Sophia has been a journalist for over 15 years, and she has been practising hatha yoga for 20 years. She completed a yoga and Vedanta course at the Sivananda Yoga and Vedanta Ashram in Netala, and she's been practising hatha yoga in the Iyengar and Krishnamacharya systems. She is currently studying Indian philosophy and is a regular journalist