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Sun 10 Nov 2024

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (UTC+5.5)

Introduction To Amritabindu Upanishad

Among the 108 Upanishads, 20 are Yoga Upanishads and among these Yoga Upanishads, the Anritabindu Upanishad is one of the most important text.

AmritaBindu Upanishad starts with a description of the mind and its nature . Then it delves deep into the practices of Yoga like Meditarion or Dhyana and its final stage of Absorption or Samadhi . In Nirvikalpa Samadhi the Mind ceases to exist and the self is absorbed in Self.The Self or Atman is in reality one and same as Paramatman if the mind is dissolved .The Paramatman is Brahman or Absilute Reality that is the Truth,Infinite and Eternal.That realisation of the invidual self being absorbed and hence identified as one and the same as Brahman is Liberation or Moksha.

In this talk, Prof. C S R Prabhu will provide a detailed introduction to the Upanishad.



Prof. C S R Prabhu

Prof. C S R Prabhu is an eminent scientist who held prestigious positions in Government and professional bodies. He was Director General of National Informatics Center (NIC), Government of India at New Delhi, and headed Computer Society of India’s Hyderabad Chapter and presently the Chairman of ACM Hyderabad Deccan Chapter. He authored 16 books of which 12 are in cutting edge subjects such as Fog Computing and Big Data Analytics. He founded and heads Vishwa Yoga Vidhapeeth and has taught Yoga globally. He has conducted research both in Computer Science and Sanskrit texts and authored research level books in all the above areas. He developed Dharma Yoga as a Common Framework for all Religions and Science.