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Sat 14 Jan 2023

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

Museum Momentum: Digital Exhibitions and Curatorial Experiments

The pandemic world accelerated digitalization, reviving museums and cultural institutions. Museums and institutions have used a variety of strategies to adapt and migrate into the digital world, including using previously digitised resources, improving social media presence, software, and curating new online exhibitions as an educational tool for the audience. In this webinar, we are going to talk about the role of digital exhibitions in museums. Bhanu Ghalot will also take us through the new immersive exhibition “Un.Divided Identities: Lesser-known stories of the Partition” and address the role of cultural exchange, oral histories, and curation through a critical lens in contemporary times.

To know more about the Museum’s momentum in digital exhibitions and curatorial experiments, do register for the talk.


Bhanu Ghalot

Project Head, Un.Divided Identities, ReReeti Foundation.

Bhanu Ghalot is a historical researcher and a cultural practitioner. Her research and practice is rooted in the study of difficult histories of South Asia. She has been working towards raising awareness of such histories and understanding how and where they are commemorated, and what is the public space they occupy. She was awarded the Chevening scholarship in 2019 to undertake a Master’s degree at the School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester. Prior to that, she spent four years researching and documenting India’s contribution in World War One at the Centre for Armed Forces Historical Research. She is currently heading a project on 1947 Partition on behalf of ReReeti Foundation, British Council and Glasgow Museums. She is also the curator of the exhibition we will be discussing today.