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6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+5.5)
Hanuman is known as the Prana Devata or the Lord of Prana. Being the son of Vayu, he is closest to us in the form of Breath. When Lord Hanuman was born he was so hungry he wanted to eat the Sun, thinking it was mango. To save him from being burnt, his father Vayu protected him. This incident shows how deluded we are by our own imbalances. The story implies that we see food where poison actually rests. Food in this context refers to edible food as well as whatever we intake into our system- water, air, television, impressions, meetings with people etc.
Lord Hanuman is the Prana Shakti that drives the life force of the Universe. It is by worshipping Hanuman, by meditating upon him, and by focusing on our Prana that we embark on the journey of self-realisation. This is why he is called Pavan Putra. And consciously watching our Prana during meditation is how we still our restless minds, turn inwards and embark on the most wonderful journey that anyone can ever take.