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Sat 25 Jan 2025

9:00 AM - 7:15 PM (UTC+5.5)

Shaastric Response To Contemporary Criticisms


INDICA is organizing a symposium on the topic “Shaastric Response to Contemporary Criticisms,” which will present a few examples of how Shaastra scholars of the past and present would respond to contemporary criticisms, distortions, and misinterpretations of Hindu texts, traditions, and worldviews.

Speakers at the event will include an octogenarian Saanga Svaadhyaaya Bhaaskara Salakshana Ghanappathi who is a PhD-holding traditional Shaastra scholar, as well as young Shaastra scholars mastering multiple Shaastras, ambidextrous Vaidika Purohitas with a command over contemporary social science paradigms, and contemporary scholars with a grasp of the Shaastric perspective. This unprecedented, first-of-its-kind event will feature presentations by these scholars addressing contemporary attacks on various aspects of Hinduism, including Hindu political and legal thought, Hindu marriage mantras and rituals, reformationist interpretations of Vedic texts, gender-oriented critiques of Dharma Shaastra texts, attempts to disconnect Dharma Shaastra texts from the temple tradition— the core of Hinduism— and attacks on the Sanskrit language, its literature, and achievements in aesthetic sciences, as well as challenges to the integrity of key Sanskrit texts such as the Ramayana.

इण्डिका इत्यस्मत्‌संस्था  “समकालीनदूषणानां शास्त्रीयप्रतिस्पंदनम्‌”   इति विषये संगोष्ठीम् आयोजयति, यस्मिन् हिन्दुग्रन्थानां, परम्पराणां, विश्वदृष्टीनां च समकालीनदूषणानां, विकृतिनां, दुर्व्याख्यानां च प्रति अतीतानां वर्तमानानाञ्च शास्त्रविद्वांसः कथं प्रतिक्रियां दास्यन्ति इति कतिपयानि उदाहरणानि प्रस्तुतानि भविष्यन्ति।

अस्मिन्‌ आयोजने अशीत्यधिकवर्षीयसाङ्गस्वाध्यायभास्करसलक्षणघनपाठी  यः पीएचडी-धारकः पारम्परिकाःशास्त्रविद्वान् ,  बहुविधशास्त्रेषु निपुणतां प्राप्तवन्तः युवाः शास्त्रविद्वांसः, समकालीनसामाजिकविज्ञानप्रतिमानानाम् विषयेषु साधिकारिकतायुतवैदिकपुरोहिताः,  शास्त्रीय- दृष्टिकोणयुतसमकालीनविद्वांसः प्रभृतयः वक्तारः भवंति।  । अस्मिन् अभूतपूर्वे आयोजने एतेषां विद्वांसस्य हिन्दुधर्मस्य विभिन्नपक्षेषु समकालीनप्रहारं अधिकृत्य प्रस्तुतिः भविष्यति।  हैन्दवराजनैतिकचिंतनम्‌ न्यायिकचिंतनम्‌ च , हिन्दूविवाहमन्त्राः संस्काराः, वैदिकग्रन्थानां सुधारवादी व्याख्याः, धर्मशास्त्राणां प्रति लिंगविषयकदूषणाः आलयपरंपरां धर्मशास्त्रपरंपरायाः विच्छेदनयत्नाः  तथा संस्कृतभाषायाः, तस्याः साहित्यस्य, सौन्दर्यविज्ञानस्य च उपलब्धीनां उपरि आक्रमणानि, तथैव रामायणादिमुख्यसंस्कृतग्रन्थानां अखण्डताविषयकदूषणानि इत्यादि विषयानामुद्दिश्य प्रस्तुतयः भविष्यन्ति।


Time Name Of The Speaker Title
9.00-9.15 Dr. Nagaraj Paturi
Dean IKS & Senior Director, INDICA
Why Contemporary? Why Shaastric?
9.15-10.00 Dr. Srinivas Jammalamadaka
Scholar IKS Courses, Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation
Exploring Political Thought: A Critique Through MM Rajeshwar Dravid Shastri Ji’s Works
10.00-10.45 Dr Ravi Prakash Chaubey
Asst. Professor (Guest), Gurugram University, Gurugram
A Shaastric Counter To The Ideas Of Death Of Sanskrit
10.45-11.30 Ra. Nilakantha Shastri, Purvamimamsamritanidhih, Dharmashastranadishnaha, Dharmaprachararatnam
Principal, Vedavedantapathashala, Palur, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
Interfaith Dialogue: Shastric Insights For Addressing Criticism Of Religious Intolerance
11.30-12.15 Shri Nithin Sridhar
Director, INDICA Moksha
Manusmriti & Sexual And Reproductive Health Rights: A Reappraisal
12.15-1.00 Shri Kapilavayi Raivatha Ghanapathi
Salakshana Ghanapathi, Vidwan in Shiksha Shastram (Vedangam) and Vedabhashyam & Sanskrit Literature and Sastra Prakarana Granthas
Uttara Ramayana Being Criticized As Interpolation (Telugu)
1.00-1.45 Dr. Vishnubhatla Subramhanya Salakshana Ghanapathi
Bramhanya Sarvabhouma,
Sanga Swadhyaya Bhaskara,
Advaita Vedanta Vidya Praveena,
Presidential Award Winner
Misinterpretation Of Marriage Mantras (Sanskrit)
1.45-2.30 Sri Guntupalli Venkata Pranava Kumar Vasishta
Independent Researcher, Associated with Pūrṇapramati – A Center for Integrated Learning, Bengaluru
Creating Space For Tāttvika Svatantra-tā: Outlining Responses To Śāstra-viruddha Vyavahāra
2.30-3.15 Nidhi Katti
Founder Vice-President, THE HISTORY ENTHUSIASTS Association, Independent Researcher, Cultural Historian and Archaeologist, Iconographist
Response To Western Feminist Philosophy Through Stree Dharma With Special Reference To Dvaita Vedanta Shaastra
3.15-4.00 V. R. Subramanya Ghanapathi
Salakshana Ghanapathi, Vidwan in Dharma Shastram and Vedabhashyam & Sanskrit Literature & Sastra Prakarana Granthas
Dayananda Veda Bhashya Khandana
4.00-4.45 Dr.Shrinidhi S Pyati
Director at Sri Vyasatirtha Samshodhana Pratishthanam
Critiquing The American Indologists’ Subversion Of Good And Evil In Bharatiya Kavyas
4.45-5.30 Dr Sharda Narayanan
Assistant Professor
American Indology’s Views On Sanskrit Literature
5.30-6.15 Acharya Veeranarayana Pandurangi
Professor of Vedanta, Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru
Examining Patrick Olivelle’s Claims On Dharmashastras Opposing Temple Traditions
6.15-7.00 Shri Sahishnu Bhattacharyya
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institute of South Asian Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
Kanyadana: Controversy And Contestation
7.00-7.15 Dr. Nagaraj Paturi
Dean IKS & Senior Director, INDICA
Closing Remarks & Vote Of Thanks



Dr. Nagaraj Paturi

Senior Director & Dean IKS Studies, INDICA

Trained in Sanskrit and Advaita Vedanta by his hyper-polyglot, polymath and spiritually accomplished sakala-shaastra-paarangata father, late Sri Paturi Sitaramanjaneyulu garu, Dr Nagaraj Paturi is seriously committed to the transmission of Vedic sciences to the present generation. In his PhD thesis (1998, University of Hyderabad), he developed an Indic Model of Myth Criticism of Literature and in his MPhil (1987, University of Hyderabad), he foregrounded Vakyapadiya as the theoretical foundation of the Ashtadhyayi. In addition to over 50 publications and about 60 conference/seminar/workshop papers, Dr Paturi has designed several courses pertaining to the contemporary applications of Vedic Sciences and has been successfully teaching them and getting them taught. Formerly Senior Professor of Cultural Studies FLAME School of Communication (& FLAME School of Liberal Education) and a Visiting Professor, University of Chicago (USA), Dr Paturi is currently Senior Director and Chief Curator at INDICA, a Distinguished Professor, Curriculum Designer, Executive Committee Member, Board of Studies, MIT School of Vedic Sciences (Pune, Maharashtra), Member, Board of Studies at Kavikulaguru Kalidasa Sanskrit University (Ramtek, Maharashtra) and Rashtram School of Public Leadership (Sonipat, Haryana). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of International Journals of Studies in Public Leadership and is a member of the Advisory Council of Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthanam (Bengaluru, Karnataka). He has provided consultancy to numerous culture research, theatre, and dance innovation projects. He has authored scores of creative writing works for Classical Dance, Modern Theater, and magazines and has delivered several series of talks and other programs on Radio and Television channels.


Dr. Srinivas Jammalamadaka

Scholar IKS Courses, Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation

Srinivas Jammalamadaka studied Nyaya/Tarka Shastra, Advaita Vedanta, and Vyakarana under eminent Gurus in Gurukula Paddhati. He has completed the Tenali exams in Tarka Shastra and appeared for the Tenali exams in Advaita Vedanta. He has completed MPhil & PhD in Nyaya shastra. He has worked as Assistant Professor and served as Director of the School of Shastric Learning, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek. He is the co-founder of Sri Kameswari Foundation and is currently working as Scholar - IKS Courses in Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation. He has been conferred awards such as - Tarka-Ratnam & Vidwan Mani by Sri Kanchi Shankaracharya, Shastrakalanidhi by Madhya Pradesh State Governor.


Shri Nithin Sridhar

Director, INDICA Moksha

Nithin Sridhar is a Practising Hindu, Author, and Speaker He is the Director & Chief Curator of INDICA Center for Moksha Studies (Advaita Academy) dedicated to the dissemination of Advaita Vedanta. He has authored six books on various aspects of Hindu culture and practice. His first book “Musings On Hinduism '' provided an overview of various aspects of Hindu philosophy and society. His book ‘Samanya Dharma’ enunciates upon general tenets of ethics as available in Hindu texts. His latest book ‘Isopanishad: An English Commentary’ is an English translation and commentary on one of the prominent Hindu texts. However, his most widely read book is “Menstruation Across Cultures: A Historical Perspective'' which examines menstruation notions and practices prevalent in different cultures & religions from across the world. His upcoming book is a commentary on the opening verses of Manusmriti. He teaches courses on Hinduism for Indica Courses and regularly contributes articles and delivers lectures on religion, spirituality, and culture at various platforms. Earlier, he had also served as the Editor of IndiaFacts- a portal on Indian history and culture. He tweets at @nkgrock.


Ra. Nilakantha Shastri, Purvamimamsamritanidhih, Dharmashastranadishnaha, Dharmaprachararatnam

Principal, Vedavedantapathashala, Palur, Trichy, Tamil Nadu


Dr Ravi Prakash Chaubey

Asst. Professor (Guest), Gurugram University, Gurugram

Dr. Ravi Prakash Chaubey is currently serving as an Assistant Professor (Guest) at Gurugram University, Sector-51, Gurugram, Haryana. He holds a Ph.D. from the prestigious School of Language, Literature, and Culture Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, where he also completed his M.Phil. His academic journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Sanskrit (Hons.) from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. Dr. Chaubey is a UGC-NET and JRF-qualified scholar, demonstrating his academic rigor and dedication to excellence.

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Chaubey has been recognized for his outstanding achievements in both curricular and extracurricular activities. His research interests span Indology, Dalit studies, and philosophy, reflecting a deep engagement with critical and interdisciplinary approaches. He has attended and presented papers at numerous national and international conferences, showcasing his contributions to the academic discourse. Additionally, he has participated in various workshops and seminars to enhance his pedagogical and research skills.

Dr. Chaubey has made significant contributions to the field of Sanskrit and related studies through his scholarly publications, including seven books to date. His work continues to enrich the domains of language, literature, and cultural studies, solidifying his reputation as a committed and dynamic academic professional.


Shri Kapilavayi Raivatha Ghanapathi

Salakshana Ghanapathi, Vidwan in Shiksha Shastram (Vedangam) and Vedabhashyam & Sanskrit Literature and Sastra Prakarana Granthas

Completed Krishnayajurveda Ghanantam & Sanskrti literature from great vedicscholar “ Vedabhashya Rakshamani “ V. Lakshmi Narayana Ghanapathi Garu

Completed Lakshana Shastram (shiksha shastram) and still studying Veda Bhashyam and Shastra prakarana granthas from The Great scholar, President award winner and Mahamahopadhyaya Shri Vishnubhotla Subrahmanya Deekshita Salakshana Ghanapathi garu


Dr. Vishnubhatla Subramhanya Salakshana Ghanapathi

Mahamahopadhyaya, Bramhanya Sarvabhouma, Sanga Swadhyaya Bhaskara, Advaita Vedanta Vidya Praveena, Presidential Award Winner

Dr Vishnubhatla Subrahmanya Shastri . Born 1941. Comes from the coast of Krishna river. Learnt Krishnayajurveda in Andhra Pradesh upto Ghanaanta level. In 1962 learnt salakshana ghana on being instructed by His Holiness Kanchi Peethadhipati and then becane famous as salakshana ghanapaathi. After learning shaastras like Tarka Vyakarana and Meemaamsaa passed out the examination in Krishna Yajueveda Vidyaranya Bhashya and acquired the title " Saanga Svaadhyaaya Bhaaskara " Acquired the title " Advaita Vedanta Vidyaa Praveena " by passing out Advaita Vedanta examination of Andhra University. Got MA degree from Andhra university in Aastika and Naastika Darshanas. Got Doctorate from Rashtriya Vidya Peeth for the thesis submitted on the topic " Upaasanaa in the 18 Upanishads from the perspective of Shankara Bhashya " He is also author of several books.


Sri Guntupalli Venkata Pranava Kumar Vasishta

Independent Researcher, Associated with Pūrṇapramati - A Center for Integrated Learning, Bengaluru

Pranava Kumar Vasishta G V is a student of Dharmaśāstra-s and the Constitution of India. He is associated with Pūrṇapramati - A Center for Integrated Learning, Bengaluru. He has translated three novels of Kavisamrāṭ Viśvanātha Satyanārāyaṇa from Telugu to English, of which one that is co-translated with Sri Viswanadha Satyanarayana (grandson of the author) is published as "Trial of Tenderness" and the others are in the pipeline. He holds a B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering and an MS by Research in Computer Science from IIIT-Hyderabad (IIIT-H). He is associated with the foundational thought of Center for Exact Humanities, IIIT-H.


Nidhi Katti

Founder Vice-President, THE HISTORY ENTHUSIASTS Association, Independent Researcher, Cultural Historian and Archaeologist, Iconographist

Nidhi Katti is a research scholar pursuing a PhD in History at Rani Channamma University, specializing in the socio-economic and cultural history of the Madhwa community. With 7 years of teaching experience across undergraduate and postgraduate levels, she has demonstrated research, education, and event organization expertise. Nidhi holds a Master's in History and Archaeology, achieving a university rank, and has furthered their credentials with diplomas in Tourism, Sati studies Gender Sensitization and Manuscriptology.

As the Founder and Vice President of The History Enthusiasts Association, Nidhi actively promotes underrepresented aspects of history, organizing innovative events and discussions. The multidisciplinary research spans feminist history, art and architecture, South Indian religious history, Madhwa studies, and heritage conservation.

Nidhi has presented numerous papers at national and international conferences, published e-books and research papers, and edited works on diverse historical themes. Proficient in English, Kannada, and Hindi, they excel in teaching and research methodology.

Adept in skills like communication, educational modelling, and organizing workshops, Nidhi aims to enhance research and academic engagement. Her future goals include postdoctoral studies, furthering The History Enthusiasts Association, and contributing to a nuanced understanding of the history and heritage of India.


V. R. Subramanya Ghanapathi

Salakshana Ghanapathi, Vidwan in Dharma Shastram and Vedabhashyam & Sanskrit Literature & Sastra Prakarana Granthas

Completed Krishnayajurveda Ghanantam & Sanskrti literature from my father great vedicscholar “ Vedabhashya Rakshamani “ V. Lakshmi Narayana Ghanapathi Garu

Completed Lakshana Shastram (shiksha shastram) and still studying Veda Bhashyam and Shastra prakarana granthas from The Great scholar, President award winner and Mahamahopadhyaya Shri Vishnubhotla Subrahmanya Deekshita Salakshana Ghanapathi garu

Studied Dharma Shastra prakarana granthas from My grand father Shri Vishnubhatla Sri Rama Murthy Shastri who is also the Mahamahopadhyaya and the President award winner.


Dr.Shrinidhi S Pyati

Director at Sri Vyasatirtha Samshodhana Pratishthanam

Shrinidhi S. Pyati is a pupil of Shri Vishwesha Tirtha Swamiji of Pejawar Mutt, Udupi. He has a background in Vedanta and Nyayashastra. He holds a Ph.D. from Karnataka Sanskrit University, where his thesis focused on a comparative study of Nyaya philosophy and the philosophies of Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Shrinidhi has extensive experience in academia, having worked as a research fellow, lecturer, principal, and currently as the director at various esteemed institutions. He has presented many papers at various national and international seminars. He has also received numerous awards and accolades, including gold medals in Advaita Vedanta Shalaka Competitions at both national and state levels. His initial studies in Vedanta and Nyayashastra were undertaken at Poorna Prajna Vidyapeeth, bangaloe which laid the foundation for his distinguished career in philosophy and education.


Dr Sharda Narayanan

Assistant Professor

Dr Sharda Narayanan completed Sahitya Examinations at Sri Chamarajendra Sanskrit College in Bengaluru and then MSc (Physics), MA (Sanskrit) from Bangalore University before PhD (Sanskrit) from JNU, New Delhi. Teaching Indian Philosophy and Aesthetics at MGR Janaki College for Women, Chennai since 2012, she has presentations at several international conferences, published papers and books to her credit. She was awarded a citation by Indoi Analytics at Chennai Litfest in 2021 and received project funding from ICPR for “Critical Study of Bhatta Mimamsa with special reference to Slokavartika” in 2020. She is a member of the team of CSU currently working on translating Rajiv Malhotra’s book”The Battle for Sanskrit” into Sanskrit. Since 2023 she has also been involved in course development on IKS as Faculty member at Sri Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation, Chennai.


Acharya Veeranarayana Pandurangi

Professor of Vedanta, Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru

Acharya Veeranarayana N. K. Pandurangi is a Professor and Dean, Vedanta Faculty, at the Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru. He is is the author of Vishnvarchana commentary on Rgveda being published from 2022. His research interests are in the fields of Vedic studies, Indian Logic, Dvaitavedanta, Purvamimamsa, Ancient Indian History and Machine translation where he has contributed by publishing many books and papers in various journals. He founded of Bharatiya vidvat parishat with Shrinivas Varakhedi in 2009. He received Badarayana Vyas Samman from President of India in 2011.


Shri Sahishnu Bhattacharyya

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Institute of South Asian Studies, University of Vienna, Austria

Sahishnu Bhattacharyya, MSc (Osnabrück), is a researcher with the ERC MANTRAMS project at the Institute of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (ISTB) of the University of Vienna. His main research interests revolve around human subjectivity, especially collective subjectivity interrogated through interdisciplinary perspectives (sociocultural, anthropological, and religious), with reference to both Western and non-Western (especially anti-individualist) approaches to subjectivity and selfhood. He works with Indian religious thought and praxis with a special focus on the recovery of the tradition of prayogaśāstra (ritual studies) from the Vedic paradigm as well as the smārta and tāntrika paradigms through their evolutions and reconfigurations. He has previously worked with the themes of decolonization in the modern Indian context. His current research at the University of Vienna focuses on the material culture of mantras and their ubiquitous presence in South Asian socioreligious cultures as well as on their influences across the globe.