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8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (UTC+5.5)
Shri Shuka Rahasya Upanishad stands out as the tallest and in fact the very top most tip of all the 108 Upanishads and hence celebrated to be at the very apex point of Vedanta Darshana.
Being a direct instruction of Advaita , both in theory and practice , directly from Lord Shiva himself to Shri Shuka on the occasion of Upanayanam of Shri Shuka , it resulted in total transformation of Shri Shuka into a Brahmi Bhoota , a personality of total identification with Brahman .
This Upanishad contains the formal Mantra Upadesha of the Four Maha Vakyas of Vedanta using the Six Angas and also the Anga Nyasa and Kara Nyasa.
The study , understanding and practice of the procedure of Anusthana given in this Upanishad results in definite Release or Moksha from the World of Karma and Maya resulting in being established in a total state of Advaita