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10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (UTC+5.5)
The INDICA Center for Indic Studies in Law & Justice (CISLJ) presents a conversation with Dr Divya Bharti on the 5th of November (Sat) 2022 at IST 1000 hrs. Following from the title of the talk, The contemporary relevance of systems of evidence in Smrti-s, Dr Bharti will present her analysis of how systems of evidence found in Smrti texts can be seen to be relevant in contemporary times. According to Dr Bharti, while one can read some similarities between systems of evidence in Smrti texts and a contemporary system such as the Indian Evidence Act, there are also some points of divergence, the reasons for which are multiple. Divergences notwithstanding though, the fact that ‘evidence’ forms a basic and an important basis of a judicial decision or judgement in both systems allows for the possibility of a comparative analysis of the two systems and exploring ways in which some facets of the Smrti texts vis-a-vis evidence and its treatment could be relevant in contemporary times. This conversation will be primarily in Hindi.