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Smile and the world changes



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Tue 09 May 2023

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

The Power of Words, Sounds and Silence

In this session we will dive into the yogic and psychological aspects of the deep and powerful connection of words, sounds and silence. How does the way we think change our experiences? How does sound make us feel things words cannot describe and how does silence lead us to a place even beyond that. Looking from a psychological perspective in combination with the yogic wisdom, we explore the benefits of using words consciously to live a happy and healthy life. Let´s find out how a regular practice of words, sound and silence can help us to safely find our way back home even when the world around us gets stormy and/or our thoughts become too wild and too loud.


Alexandra Sanja Wieland

Psychologist & Yoga Teacher

Sanja is a psychologist, yogateacher and Kirtan singer based in Germany. She has been sharing her knowledge in coachings, workshops, teacher-trainings and retreats for almost 20 years. In her teachings yoga, psychology, philosophy and Bhakti weave into one another. Her main topics are communication, hatha yoga, yin yoga, meditation, mantras and philosophy.


Sophia French

Host, Journalist

Sophia has been a journalist for over 15 years, and she has been practising hatha yoga for 20 years. She completed a yoga and Vedanta course at the Sivananda Yoga and Vedanta Ashram in Netala, and she's been practising hatha yoga in the Iyengar and Krishnamacharya systems. She is currently studying Indian philosophy and is a regular journalist