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10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (UTC+5.5)
The Upanishads recognize happiness as the one thing that living beings seek in all of their endeavors. They do not look down at the happiness, which we human beings derive from sense objects, power, position etc. They however point out that lasting happiness is from Self-realization only. Everything else is finite and therefore the happiness from any source other than the Self also is bound in time. It is fleeting and is illusory. The happiness of the Self is our true nature. The Vedānta helps us to remove the ignorance that obstructs our seeing the Self. The Vedanta helps us stay in the Self, as the Self.
The two talks will not only give an outline of the philosophy behind this astounding revelation that we are by nature happiness, but also supply practical tips on the necessary practices that help us unveil the radiant Self.
/ raso vai sah /
The truth of your existence is pure bliss.
Taittiriya Upanishad, Valli 2
Dec 09 & 10 | 10:00AM to 11:30 AM