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Tue 17 May 2022

7:00 AM - 8:30 AM (UTC+5.5)

The Self has Four Quarters: A perspective from Mandukya Upanishad

Indica Moksha (Advaita Academy) is pleased to announce the 3rd ‘Global Festival of Oneness’ (GFO2022) celebrating one of the foremost thinkers and socio-cultural-spiritual architects in the history of mankind from the Indian sub-continent – Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya (Shankara).

For the last two years, we have been hosting the Global Festival of Oneness on the occasion of Shankara Jayanti as a one-month-long online celebration of the life, works, and legacy of Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavadpada. The initiative has been conceived as our tribute and show of reverence towards the entire Advaita Guru-Parampara that starts with Bhagavan Narayana, has Veda Vyasa and Adi Shankaracharya at the middle, and is still continuing with our own Acharyas.

This year also we will be celebrating a month-long festival from May 06 till June 05 and we will feature around 50 Scholars, Sages, and Seekers to share Shankara’s life and works across multiple dimensions that include Philosophy, Oneness, Leadership, and more.

In this session Swamini Paraprajnananda will speak on “The Self has Four Quarters: A perspective from Mandukya Upanishad


Swamini Paraprajnananda

Resident Sannyasini of Adhyatma Vidya Mandir

Swamini Paraprajnananda Saraswati is an erudite Sannyasini well versed with the knowledge of the Scriptures-Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Brahmasutra and other Vedantic texts. Swamini Paraprajnananda Saraswati is the student of revered Swami Viditatmananda Saraswatiji, President of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylorsburg, P.A. (U.S.A.). Swami Viditatmananda Saraswatiji is also the Founder Acharya of Adhyatma Vidya Mandir, Ahmedadabad , Gujarat , India. Adhyatma Vidya Mandir is an institute of learning and disseminating the knowledge of Vedanta. Swamini Parprajnananda is the resident Sannyasini of Adhyatma Vidya Mandir. Swamini Paraprajnananda Saraswati has been teaching Vedanta for the past 20 years in Ahmedabad and different cities of Gujarat. In 2016, Swaminiji conducted talks on Vedanta in different cities of USA – Saylorsburg, New Jersey & Dallas. Swaminiji abides in the knowledge of the self and is also expert in imparting this knowledge to others. The depth of Swaminiji’s wisdom and her art of teaching which is at once profound and lucid make her an expert teacher from whom learning is a joy. Swamini Paraprajnananda Saraswati’s experience as a professor of English in the past facilitates her to adeptly handle the subject at hand and communicate it to the audience. Besides being a gifted teacher, Swaminiji is also very simple, loving and compassionate as a person.