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"You can meet yourself through the mirror of vibration, you just need to find the right attunement."


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Fri 17 Mar 2023

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

Vocal Yoga – Bringing the Mind Into the Heart

Vocal Yoga is a sound meditation based practice which benefits from the power of Indian Classical music and mantras. We travel through the sound into the different layers of consciousness until we find this resting peace where we can abide in Silence. Sound has an amazing power to quieten the mind and to connect us to our divine nature. Focusing on subtle vibration, we create harmony in ourselves and around us. Diving farther we can comprehend through the sound the beauty of this universe and its expressions. In this session, we will approach practically how sounds reverberate in our being, going through a specific raga scale and its mood, then we will expose our heart to the divine through chanting before listening to its response in Silence.



Vocal Yoga and Vedic Chanting Teacher

Travelling to India, Ramatara was deeply touched by the power of its music and mantras. She joined a yogic school in France in 2008, where for years she had the great opportunity to meet with traditional Indian masters coming to Europe. Deeply connected to Ramana Maharshi’s teaching, since 2017 she practises and teaches vocal yoga which is the natural expression of her inner journey through silence, music and yoga.


Sophia French

Host, Journalist

Sophia has been a journalist for over 15 years, and she has been practising hatha yoga for 20 years. She completed a yoga and Vedanta course at the Sivananda Yoga and Vedanta Ashram in Netala, and she's been practising hatha yoga in the Iyengar and Krishnamacharya systems. She is currently studying Indian philosophy and is a regular journalist