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11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (UTC+5.5)
Bhagavad Gita as told by Bhagavan is Brahmavidya and Yogashastra. Bhagavan has essentially completed the upadesha on both in the second chapter itself. Rest of Gita answers those seeking clarification on Brahmavidya and Yoga. In this Weekend With Wisdom session, Swami ji will enunciate upon Jnana and yoga as laid out in the second chapter.
Freedom is the birthright of every human being, in fact, the only reason to be born as a human being. That freedom is ours for the asking is the upadesha, referred to as Brahmavidya, Atmajnanam. In about twenty verses Bhagavan teaches this. Next twenty verses help us navigate through this life so that we remain focussed on this Atmajnanam without getting distracted by the vagaries of life. That is referred to as Karmayoga. Karmayoga is upaya for Atmajnanam the upeya, and the phalam, result if you can call it, is freedom, moksha. All these will be touched upon during the session.