Mala Kapadia, Ph.D. is Director, Anaadi Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Palani, Coimbatore. Briefly she was also a Professor, Research For Resurgence Foundation. Dr. Mala is Principle Investigator in a research project under AICTE IKS, MoE, Government of India. The project encompasses creating a framework and Index of Wellbeing and Happiness, based on Hitayu and Sukhayu constructs from Ayurveda. She has designed curriculums based on the same for Higher Education. Dr. Mala was Professor & Director, Centre for Wellbeing & Wellness, RSPL, Rishihood University, Sonipat. She is the Founder of Human Potential Consulting named ‘Tame the Monkey’. Dr. Mala was an Adjunct Professor with S. P. Jain School of Global Management at Dubai, Singapore, Sydney, and Mumbai campuses from 2005 to March 2020. Ph. D. in Literature, her academic journey is through Psychology, Human Resources, Yoga and Ayurveda, Film & Video Production. Her career has been through research, education, journalism, Human Resources and Consulting. Her area of research is Indic Wisdom for the betterment of humanity. Her strength is integrating the wisdom of India with modern theories and research in the fields of Wellness & Well-being, Emotional Intelligence, Positive psychology, Leadership, and Feminine Energy. Education Psychology through Ayurveda and Yoga is an integral research area and one of the focus areas of her current work along with creating Indic frameworks and course curriculums for integration into mainstream courses. Dr. Mala is MBTI certified Level 1 & 2, holds Diploma and Yoga and Ayurveda from Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth and Certificate course in Sattvavajay Chikitsa from Kulguru Kavi Kaalidas Mahavidyapeeth. Recent programmes conducted and facilitated as a faculty- E-TEP- Online program on Transforming Education Practices, and Ayurveda based program for Educationalists and counsellors- Nov 2020 Samskaar Abhyasa- July 2021 Introduction to Swabhava and Swadharma- July 2021 Indic Psychology- Indica Courses- April 2022 Dr. Mala was Convenor of Faculty Development Program, Gender Studies, CPDHE, Delhi University, Feb 2022. AyuManasa 2022 was designed and conceived along with AVPRF, held in July 2022, a first symposium on Positive Psychology and Ayurveda. IKS Issues, Strategy and a Way Forward- Chanakya University International Conference- Invited as Chair and presented in Plenary session- Health and Wellbeing. She has participated in many National and International Conferences and Symposiums. Recent Publications: Indigenous Indian Management, Palgrave Studies in Indian Management, Chapter- Understanding Self and Wellbeing based on Ayurveda: Implications for Indian Management