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Mon 30 May 2022

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+5.5)

What can Youth learn from Shankara’s life and works

Indica Moksha (Advaita Academy) is pleased to announce the 3rd ‘Global Festival of Oneness’ (GFO2022) celebrating one of the foremost thinkers and socio-cultural-spiritual architects in the history of mankind from the Indian sub-continent – Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya (Shankara).

For the last two years, we have been hosting the Global Festival of Oneness on the occasion of Shankara Jayanti as a one-month-long online celebration of the life, works, and legacy of Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavadpada. The initiative has been conceived as our tribute and show of reverence towards the entire Advaita Guru-Parampara that starts with Bhagavan Narayana, has Veda Vyasa and Adi Shankaracharya at the middle, and is still continuing with our own Acharyas.

This year also we will be celebrating a month-long festival from May 06 till June 05 and we will feature around 50 Scholars, Sages, and Seekers to share Shankara’s life and works across multiple dimensions that include Philosophy, Oneness, Leadership, and more.

In this session Swami Swatmananda will speak on “What can Youth learn from Shankara’s life and works


Swami Swatmananda

Acharya, Chinmaya Mission

Swami Swatmananda is one of the most dynamic leaders of Chinmaya Mission. Currently posted at Chinmaya Mission-South Mumbai, he completed the Vedanta Course from Powai from 1998-2000 after his graduation in Commerce and software engineering. He has been serving in Chinmaya Mission Mumbai since 2000. He expounds the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta through talks on the Bhagavad Geeta, Upanishads and other texts of Vedanta & bhakti through camps, meditation retreats, interactive sessions and discussions for youth & adults. He has also taken the Youth Empowerment Programme(YEP) which is a value-based leadership programme for youth who want to serve the Nation & Culture, where the youth were trained for 3 months and the youth served the country for 9 months. He is also a playwrite and has written and directed two theatrical performances. “Adrshya – Quest for the Unseen” based on Saraswati Civilization & Developed India was written and directed by him in 2009. 9 shows of Adrshya have been performed by Chinmaya Yuva Kendra Mumbai in Mumbai, Pune, Allahabad and Chennai. “Just Like That”- A play based on the Bhagavad Geeta in the life of Anand-Family and how they discover harmony by applying the principles of Geeta was written and directed by him in 2015. 4 shows of the play have been performed in Mumbai, Chennai.