Live conversation with Prasad Kaipa


Greetings from the Institute of Indic Wisdom & thanks for your interest in Discontinuous Learning!

As promised, we are conducting a “Live conversation with Prasad Kaipa” on the ideas discussed in his book “Discontinuous Learning: Igniting the Genius Within by Aligning Self, Work and Family” as per the following schedule:

  • 14th April 2024: Sunday: 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM India Standard Time
  • 14th April 2024: Sunday: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM India Standard Time
  • 21st April 2024: Sunday: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM India Standard Time

You may register for any of the above sessions.

The discussions in the session will be highly interactive & will revolve around:

  • Ideas from the book that connected with you.
  • Ideas from the book that you disagree with.
  • Ideas from the book that you think are NOT relevant anymore.
  • Examples from your life that agree/disagree with the ideas in the book.

Obviously, if you have read the book, even partly, you will be able to participate in the discussion & contribute to it. However, even if you haven’t been able to read the book, you are welcome to join the sessions & learn from the discussions.

The “Live conversation with Prasad Kaipa” event will be held Live on LinkedIn on those scheduled days/times. We will inform you of the links & the login formalities in due course.

Note: There is no registration fee for the event.

Awakening Inner Presence A Masterclass In Boosting Executive Performance


In the volatile landscape of modern leadership, the stakes are high and  the room for error is low. As new technologies like Gen AI transform the game, traditional methods of boosting performance can often seem like a square peg in a round hole. But here’s the good news: within each leader lies a dormant reservoir of wisdom, waiting to be activated. This workshop offers you a roadmap to awaken your Inner Presence, a master key to elevate your authenticity, creativity, and decision clarity.


This isn’t just a workshop; it’s a transformative expedition. Over three days, you will:

  • Navigate the contours of your inner self.
  • Grasp the symbiotic relationship between emotional and rational faculties.
  • Learn techniques for enhanced Decision-making, Creativity, and Interpersonal skills.
  • Experience Inner Presence and how it impacts your gravitas and executive presence.

This workshop synthesizes four decades of interdisciplinary experience and research by a group of CxO coaches, psychologists, philosophers, artists, academic researchers, and engineers. Get ready for an exploration that goes beyond the boardroom, and gain tools for a more enriched life and work paradigm.

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Inner Enablers & Barriers: Decode the subconscious elements driving your actions and decisions.
  • Emotional IQ: Harness the power of your emotional landscape to refine your executive decisions.
  • Voice and Impact: Sculpt your ‘Inner Voice’ to amplify your presence in professional and personal spheres.
  • Mindfulness in Action: Understand the mental states influencing your decisions and relationships.


  • Dates: November 17, 18, & 19, 2023
  • Time: 9am – 6pm PT
  • Location: Sequoia Conference Room, Los Altos Community Center, Los Altos, CA

Program Inclusions:

  • 3 days of guided interactive in-person workshop
  • 2 hours of follow-up online sessions
  • 1 hour follow up 1:1 coaching session
  • Networking and alumni resources
  • Meals and refreshments


  • Early Bird:         $1499 (Expires Oct 16)
  • Super Saver:      $1999 (Expires Oct 30)
  • Standard Fee:    $2999 (Closes Nov 13)


For more information email us at

About the Institute of Indic Wisdom

The Institute of Indic Wisdom (IIW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with a mission to contemporize and contextualize the timeless Indic Wisdom for modern management. IIW operates as an interdisciplinary  research institute, a design studio, and a management think tank. IIW collaborates with companies, universities, and nonprofit orgs to advance well-researched and validated leadership principles, practices, and methodologies; and empower executives.

Experience the power of tapping into your inner reservoir. Reserve your seat today!

Click here for the Brochure

Indic Perspectives On Human Development: An Eternal Parikramā

The Samvad traces the evolution of the field of Human Development and Family Studies (previously, Child Development) in India discussing overlaps with developmental psychology, and its “received” Euro-American understanding. Anecdotes and personal experiences illustrate how the mind space of academic research and teaching is navigated against a backdrop of rising consciousness about decolonizing psychological knowledge. Using the metaphor of being in an eternal parikramā, the concept of human development in India is then unpackaged using the Indic lens. The talk ends with important questions about cultivating a yātri or a parikramāvāsi mindset, to contemplate on difficult questions facing the world. How can Indic knowledge help create a more sustainable, compassionate global psychology?

Mangalyam – Leadership Lessons From Indian History

All of us are obsessed with performance – we are constantly measured by it before we are born and till we die. the Indian understanding of how to improve performance is different from the WEstern Management Science version. The many 1000 lines of Chola epigraphs clearly show – along with the many customs we still observe today – how the Indian approach is very different in how to reconcile between getting the job done and building a relationship. After working in the space of leadership development and in writing a book on Indian history and Leadership development – “Leadership Shastra” Dr.Pradeep Chakravarthy has a clear approach he does as a 2 day session on how to improve performance using an Indian approach. The samvad will focus on this insight and on learnings from his book Leadership Shastra. 

Dharmic Frameworks For Leadership

Today, at various levels of human endeavour, we find a huge leadership deficit which has resulted in 4 E crisis of Ethical,  Environmental,  Emotional and Economic.  We are living in an increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambigous) world as well as the onset  of Pandemics. 

While the UN-SDGs had been formalised so as to provide solutions to address sustainability,  however, we find that they have not been implemented to their fullest. The urgent need of these times is providing sustainable and holistic solutions that not just factor anthroprocentric well-being but planetary and cosmic rhythms in an integrated fashion. Empowering leaders in Dharmic Frameworks is the missing link to the current scenario.

Dharmic Frameworks nurture leaders and help them build strong foundations  in  Dharmic paradigms.

Dr Mala will delve into what some of these Dharmic Frameworks are and why it is relevant to present times. She will also trace back the frameworks to their Vedic Sources with emphasis on Ayurveda (Upaveda of Atharva Veda). She will throw light on the relevance of Ayurveda to today’s VUCA and Pandemic world. Dr Mala will introduce two important frameworks she has developed from Charak Samhita (one fo the most ancient Ayurvedic texts) – Hitayu and Sukhayu framework and the Janapadodhwansa framework.

Indic Perspectives for Practicing Conscious Leadership

That The Upanishads and The Gita contain timeless wisdom that can be (and is being) leveraged for leadership and management is well known.

As “Conscious Leadership” principles are gaining critical importance in the turbulent world we live in, Indic Wisdom would contribute significantly to leadership evolution in the decades ahead!

To this end, this discussion will center around two frameworks introduced by Raj in his first book “Open our Minds: Science of The Gita, Part-1”, (a) SEES and (b) MEDYK.

SEES is Spiritualistic Evolutionary Empirical Science. This framework aims to blend our materialistic and empirical scientific thinking and spiritualistic thinking, rather than focus on the divergence of these constructs. When we make conscious choices professionally and personally, it is our consciousness working in combination with empirical observation. How can we make better choices and decisions at the confluence of the Seer-Seen, making sure that the observer and observed are BOTH considered in decision making? We will discuss some proposals to be able to do this, and how we can bring this into our daily life.

MEDYK is like a “subset” operating under SEES, forming the “how” of SEES, everyday. MEDYK = the daily recommended cycle of “Meditation-Exercise-Diet-Yoga-Karma Yoga.” While this may not sound unique, we need to have the MEDYK take care of us automatically on a daily basis – which, essentially, will help us with Conscious Leadership. It is this trait of MEDYK which will operate uniquely for each of us. As part of this framework we will look at specific recommendations from Sree Krishna in The Gita.

For both frameworks and how they can be foundational for us to live and lead consciously, real-life examples will be shared and discussed.

Concepts From Advaita for Developing Conscious Leaders

The talk will be delivered in three parts:

  1. An Overview of Advaita Vedanta; 
  2. Characteristics  of a Good Leader;  
  3. Q & A

The Pinnacle of Advaita teaching is the Doctrine that “There is no creation; none is ever born (ajAti vAda)”  — 4 Upanishads + 3 Special Treatises declare so in one voice !!!

What then is this “World” perceived by us?

  • Perception is self-deception; 
  • There is a Perception – Reality Disconnect; 
  • Seeing is NOT Believing; 

Just like a dream world with all its paraphernalia disappears when one  wakes up from dream, the awake world too goes when one awakens from the awake world!

The really real ‘Reality’ is one homogeneous, indivisible, boundless, eternal, all-pervading nameless “That” which is Complete within Itself, a mass of Sentience, absolutely lacking nothing, has no hunger and thirst, never born, no decrepitude and that One is what you yourself truly are!

The World is nothing but a Common Consensual Controlled Hallucination. We project it ourselves. It’s not one world and 8 billion of us; it’s One Reality and 8 billion worlds!

We shall do a brief Experiment to ‘feel’ and ‘know’ (smavedana) “That” (also indicated by the pointer word, brahman).

For those who believe that they are born into a pre-existing world, the tradition adopts a compassionate concessionary “Model” in imparting the Non-dual message. The “Model” uses the technique of “Superimposition and Sublation.” That means, the teacher tentatively accepts your idea — this is the first step called deliberate ‘Superimposition’ of a non-existing world. Next, over a series of steps, the superimposed world is rescinded, as the student is able to grok the teaching at each level. This step is called ‘Sublation.’ (13.13, BGB).

As a part of this ‘superimposition’ of a created world, also come a team of great Managers and Leaders who are vested with the “running” of this huge huge enterprise called ‘Creation.’ They are the “Ex-Officio In-charges of Creation” (AdhikArika puruSha-s – see 3.3.32, BSB). One finds the description of the nature and characteristics of such Divine  AdhikArika puruSha-s sprinkled all over our scriptures. The general public loves them and would like to follow in their footsteps as they are incontestably the most ideal and lovable Leaders. They also go by the name of jIvanmukta-s, sthitaprajna-s; kritakritya-s; &C.

They are the ones who abide as that Infinite “brahman.” We shall look into their characteristics and the “desirable” qualities of a Modern Leader as envisaged by some of the leading Institutes like Harvard Business School etc. Some of the notable features are: Equanimity; Impartiality; Free and Fair 2-way Communication; Upliftment of all; Visionary nature;  Purity in Thought, word  and Deed and so on.

We are endowed with two Visions – the Eternal and the mundane. We have to re-engineer ourselves to using the Eternal Vision to be a jIvanmukta. (1.4.10, 3.4.2, 4.3.23, BUB; 116, aparokShAnubhUti).

We will then have a Q & A Session.

14 April 2023, Friday 

Time : 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM EST | 08:00PM to 09:30PM IST

Coach Training Program Based on Yogic Wisdom

Center for Consciousness Studies & Inner Transformation


Academy of Human Resources Development


Coach Training Program

Based on Yogic Wisdom

Building Coaching Capability based on Yogic Principles  & Practices


Managing, Leading and Coaching

Managers are who work in and build teams, understand the use of technology, and engage with customers. The critical gap to be crossed when managers become leaders is understanding the use of power. Leaders shape their environment, strategise the use of resources, influence the team and organizational culture and take the final responsibility for the outcomes. Indian wisdom states that leaders have to comprehend their own inner dynamics in relationship to power, to enable others whom they influence to feel empowered. Coaching is an effective way of firstly enabling the leader to explore and understand their own unique capacities, and secondly as a way of helping the leader learn to ignite the potential of others.

The Coach Training Programme jointly offered by Center for Consciousness Studies & Inner Transformation (CCSIT) and Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) is based on a judicious blend of Indic wisdom drawn from the great epic of Mahabharat and principles and practices arising from Patanjali Yoga Sutras with contemporary research in the field of coaching. It is founded on the tenets that a Yogi is capable of being:

  • A Coach who enables leaders to discover and nurture their inner abundance.
  • A Leader who can nurture the inner abundance of the members of their teams and organization.

It is offered in two parts:

  • The first part uses the Mahābhārata to enable participants to reflect deeply on their own ways of deploying power and shaping their roles. It will also introduce the participants to the key competencies of coaching.
  • The second part delves into the Yoga śāstrās to enable participants to deepen their understanding of their psyche and the ways by which they can enable others to discover their unique gifts and nurture them.

An overview of the programme

Leaders are heroes who take responsibility for their context and their people. Being fluent in all aspects of power and knowing how to deploy them, is crucial in navigating an organization in the emerging world where sustainability and profound interdependency is the key to organizational excellence.

The Mahābhārata, one of the most ancient and richest Indic texts, enquires deeply into Leadership, Dharmā and the five types of Power through the framework of the Pāndava as heroes. Understanding how each of us is uniquely gifted with the 5 types of power, namely, the power of structure, passion, compassion, innovation and contextual intelligence, can be of great insight and of practical use for us to unleash our heroic potential.

The Yoga śāstrās provide us with the key component of inner growth and transformation, i.e., practices that enable one to discover their deepest potential, bring inner coherence and nurture the being. Yoga śāstrās helps in understanding one’s psycho-somatic, psycho-social and psycho- spiritual processes and imparts the methods of aligning those processes that in turn energises the outer deployment of power.

Module I – Coaching fundamentals and harnessing the Universe of Powers

Power is a double-edged sword. It can be used in the ways that are constructive and dhārmic or in ways that are destructive and not dhārmic. The Mahābhārata examines power in all its nuances through archetypal stories. It presents five types of power personified by the five Pāndava brothers and through its many stories, it speaks about how each Pāndava explored all the facets of the power they are gifted with till they become the best they can be. They make mistakes, they get derailed by the shadow sides of these gifts, and they encounter the shadow fully, to emerge as impeccable human beings and heroic warriors. Through a clever juxtaposition of the behaviours of the Kauravas, Mahābhārata explicates what happens when one is endowed with gifts but is driven by egoistic compulsions resulting in a massive destruction.

Leadership positions legitimise the use of power. It is for us to move from a stage of being unconscious of our true potential and competencies to become conscious and mindful in the way we deploy them. We then become the best that we can be. Enabling a person to awaken to their true potential and learn how to use them is enhanced through coaching. Coaching is an art. One can learn the fundamentals of good coaching and build one’s own style over time. The Facilitators of Module 1 will model the behaviours of a good coach and will teach the basics through theory and practice sessions

Module II – Tuning one’s psyche with Saptaswara Practices to enhance Coaching Presence

Yogic wisdom has looked at an individual in a holistic manner. It has devised a psycho- somatic, psycho-social and psycho-spiritual lens to comprehend the inner processes of a person engaged in an encounter with the world. This enables one to understand and develop a measure of inner control and to alter habitual and limiting patterns of behaviour through various practices. In this Module, the participants will be initiated on seven keynote practices termed Sapta Swarās derived from Yogic Wisdom, namely, Dharma, Maitri, Karma, Jñana, Ramyam, Yoga and Abhyāsa. These when practised in unison help dissolve the constraining aspects present in one’s inner psyche. This in turn enables the awakening of innate potential hitherto untapped.

Understanding of these principles and following the practices arising from the Yogic wisdom can awaken the inner potential and kindle deeper compassion. This module is aimed at enhancing the connectedness of aspiring coaches towards their protégé or coachees. Continued practice over a period of time will foster the integration of all forms of power and will leads to sustained levels of inner harmony among the coaches. In the process, their coaching presence gets enhanced. At a broader level, a coach anchored in Yogic wisdom becomes capable of staying true to one’s dhārmic core and unfolding with boundless potential of self and their coachees..

YCT Program Module I Engagement Plan

Four months module with:

  • Weekly sessions of 3 hours on weekends
    • 30 hrs of classroom and
    • 18 hours of practice review sessions
  • Individual coaching with program facilitators (3 hrs),
  • Peer coaching (6 hrs), client coaching (6- 12 hrs) [In between sessions]

Objectives and Session Flow

  1. Understand and assimilate the basics of coaching: the what, the what not, the why and the how
  2. Understanding Sakhi bhāva and Sākshi bhāva as the two distinct ways of engaging with clients
  3. Explore and awaken seats (sources) of power
    1. Power of Order & Structure
    2. Power of Passion & Initiative
    3. Power of Compassion & Service
    4. Power of Knowledge & Curiosity
    5. Power of Contextual Intelligence (Dharma Sankata)
  4. Internalise wise use of power for building coaching presence
  5. Follow the Yogic practices to build coaching capability

YCT Program Module II

This module will build on Module I and be available to participants who complete the application requirements that will be laid out in Module I. It will facilitate participants to tune into themselves and listen deeply.

Broad engagement plan

  • Weekly sessions of 3 hours on weekends
    • 30 hrs of classroom and
    • 18 hours of practice review sessions

Objectives and Session Flow

  1. Practice and internalize Sakhi bhāva and Sākshi bhāva
    1. Triadic Dialogue Practice
    2. Peer Coaching
    3. Mentoring and guidance
  2. Understand and practice Sapta Swarās for tuning the inner psyche
    1. Maitri
    2. Karma
    3. Dharma
    4. Jnāna
    5. Ramyam
    6. Yoga
    7. Abhyāsa
  3. Commit to a sādhana to enhance coaching capabilities
    1. Learn practices to internalise saptaswaras
    2. Deliberate practice protocols

For Whom

This program is for:

  • Individuals who are willing to tap into inner energies and channel them for the greater good.
  • Managers who are willing to harness the highest potentials to nurture the inner abundance of the self and their teams through coaching.

Profile and Eligibility Criteria

Module I Leaders and managers interested in developing coaching capability.
Module II Leaders and managers who have completed Module I followed up with 50 documented hours of coaching conversations and wish to attain advance level expertise in coaching
  • Start date for the program: 17th June 2023
  • Weekly sessions on Saturdays, 3 hours per session with a short break in between

Program Fees For Module I:

  • Early Bird Pricing (for registrations upto 27th May 2023) – INR 38,000 + 18% GST (Total INR 44,840)
  • Regular Pricing (for registrations after 27th May and up to 10th June 2023) – INR 42,000 + 18% GST (Total INR 49,560)
  • Registrations close on 10th June 2023
  • Batch size: 25 participants

Payment to be made to:

Academy of HRD
IFSC – HDFC0000049

For details, please contact:
Ms. Merlin George: +91 92272 08875

Conscious Leadership Panel Discussion

Conscious Leadership is the capacity of being self-aware and acting from an inner presence that enlivens us, others and the context simultaneously. We at CCSIT have co-evolved an experiential journey and a model based on Indic Wisdom for awakening, nurturing and manifesting conscious leadership (Leading with Inner Presence). In this interactive discussion, the panelists will share their experiences as leaders, mentors, coaches and facilitators in unleashing (unfolding) the innate human potential in people